Monday 27 January 2014

Travelling and Arriving

Travelling and arriving are key parts of the opening of many teen dramas, the characters first appearance is very important as it will decide how the audience will perceive the characters. I will analyse the opening scene of breakfast club and the mode of transport they arrive at the school in. 

A front display of the school is shown at the start of the intro, as well as the inside of the school. By establishing the location the audience are aware that the school will be the setting. The Intro gives us an insight into the characters background. The first student to arrive at the school is referred to as the 'the beauty' she parks up in an expensive BMW, this suggests that she is wealthy. In addition to this their smart clothing further emphasizes how rich they are. 

The second character that arrives at the school is considered as the nerd, his form of transport is a car but is considerably old and is certainly in bad condition. Mis en scene tells us that this family is not very wealthy because they cannot afford to buy a brand new car such as the BMW. The subject of conversation was education between him and his mum, this confirms his attitude towards education and emphasizing his nerd image. 

The third character drives up to the school in a four by four jeep. In the Breakfast Club, this character is refereed to as the jock. The jock's clothing helps us to identify him as the jock, because he is wearing a jersey and a sports jacket. A mid shot of the conversation shows them discussing football. 

The 'rebel' is captured in a long shot nearly getting ran over by a car, demonstrating his rudeness and how much he does not care about the consequences. However he is also the only character to travel to school walking, indicating that he could be very poor.

The last character to arrive is driven to school, as she exits the car her parents drive away instantly. She is considered as the 'loner' of the group. 


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