Monday 27 January 2014

Comparison of The Breakfast Club original and remake.

The remake of the breakfast club which we created in lesson was overall a good attempt as there are some shots which were good remakes, e.g, the canteen scene, the empty hallways, and the last classroom scene as it was clear to see that it is from the breakfast club. Along with the successful shots of certain scenes, there were also some unsuccessful ones such as the entrance of the rebellious character. The car was too small to make it seem like the character was walking in front of it, however we feel that it did add an element of comedy to it.

The start of our remake was quite strong as the shots were strong and identifying what movie we were re-enacting is easy, however the entrance of each character wasn't as strong as the start. There was a lot of background noise so it is quite hard to hear what is being said.

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