Monday 13 January 2014

Shot by shot remake task

we have to remake the opening sequence of"the breakfast club" shot for shot matching the original film. The breakfast club opens with various shots of the school being vandalised as one of the characters narrates over the top. It then transitions into characters speaking to their parents in cars before leaving to enter the school when another two characters turn up and also enter the school before they all meet in a large hall area where they sit as far away from each other as possible.
There are 5 characters each with their own personalities.

The Athlete
The Athlete is portrayed though the way he is dressed and his form of transportation to school. He arrives to school in his dads jeep, wearing a letterman jacket which shows his status in school and his families status overall. 
The Nerd/Brain

The nerd is seen to arrive in an average family car which his mum drops him off with. In the car his mother tells him to do work while at school which shows he is the nerd as his family are pushing him to be constantly working even after he says he's not at school to do work.

The Basket Case 
The basket case is presented as a loner as from the moment she is dropped off it is apparent that she doesn't communicate with people  at school or at home. When she's dropped off she's at the back of the car and doesn't get a goodbye. In the class she sits as the back away from everyone and gets noticed by everyone as she appears to be weird to them.

The Criminal
The criminal is seen to be walking to school at the opening of the movie and is dressed in a long coat and sunglasses. He walks in front of a  car while crossing the road and doesn't stop which shows what sort of personality he has and how he is as a person. In the classroom he walks in touching everything and tells the nerd to move from the seat so he can put his feet up. The nerd doesn't refuse which shows that his label as a criminal is well known.
The Princess
The princess is dropped off to school in her dads BMW complaining about having to be in school on a saturday and her dad not being able to get her out of school. Her dad is seen to hand her a gift to shut her up which shows that she's a spoilt character that has the idea that she's a princess because her dad does everything she wants. She is dressed in pink which is the stereotypical colour that princesses wear.

The footage from the opening of the movie is all on school grounds, whether it be inside or at the entrance.

All but one character arrive in cars, the one who doesn't, walks in.

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