Sunday 12 January 2014

Film Analysis - Cyberbully(2011)

Cyberbully is a teen drama film, which is about an online social networking site that teenagers use to communicate with each other. The main character, Taylor is given a laptop from her over protective mother for her birthday which she uses to go sign up on to the site with her friends. As soon as she signs up she gets a friend request from the guy that she has a crush on in school (the dumb jock). Her 2 best friends are there to help her with guys. While one is helping her get the guy she likes, the other friend called Samantha, is trying to prevent it from happening so she makes a fake profile of a guy called James and adds Taylor on this site. Taylor's brother hacks into her account and puts up a status which starts to make people start hating on her on this website and in school. The fake account starts to speak to her while she is oblivious to the fact that 'he' isn't real, so she starts to open up to 'him' and tell the account things about her. A while after speaking to this person 'he' puts up a status about her which gives her a bad name and ends up in people calling her names and beginning to cyber bully her. Whilst all this is happening her crush starts to distance himself from her and both of her friends end up leaving her alone. The popular girl also starts to pick on her in school as well as online. She then makes a video and uploads it onto the website of her saying bye, and her friend realizes that she is about to commit suicide so she drives to her house and stops her. Taylor's mother makes her join a group where they can talk about getting bullied so that she feels better about herself. Her friend Samantha then tells her that the Jake account was actually fake and that it was her who made the account. At the end of the movie Taylor realizes that her friend was now the one getting bullied for what she did to Taylor and decides to forgive her as she has been through what her friend is now going through.

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