Monday 6 January 2014



Representation is a generalisation of a certain group of people or to put people into categories. It is often used when someone doesn't know a person and so they put them into a classification, depending on how they portray themselves. This could include certain features of their personality and appearance. 

Slut - 'Becky' from Kidulthood

Becky is identified as a slut through mise-en-scene because of her costume. 
Throughout the film her hair is either down  dressed in short-tight clothing which enhances her female body parts. This is used to attract the male characters in the film because they find this appealing.Her dialect also identifies her as a slut because she speaks informal, this shows that she has little education and so she isn't the brightest girl when it comes to making sexual decisions.

Becky is often located in house parties, this identifies her as a slut because girls who are at parties frequently aren't often in a committed relationship and therefore they have sex with random people. Lastly Becky's actions portray that she is a slut. In the film she flirts with her best friend's baby father and she has sexual intercourse with older men for money. This shows that she cannot control her sexual desires and she is straight-forward when it comes to what she wants and what she wants for it - hoe antics.

Virgin - '1st Girl' Sarah Henderson from KIDS 

The '1st Girl' is identified as a virgin through mise-en-scene because of her appearance. She looks very young. Her actions also identify her as a virgin. In the first scene of the film her and a boy are kissing on a bed, they then have a conversation about whether or not she should allow the boy to have sex with her - she agrees and says its her first time. 

The first scene was set in a bedroom, this also identifies the girl as a virgin and not a slut because a slut would have sex in any location but this girl was going to do it in her bedroom. The camera work was also a big feature which helped the audience identify that the girl was a virgin. This is because a lot of the shots taken were close ups, this helped show the facial expression of the girl and to show how she was feeling - in this case she looked very scared, which is what a lot of virgins feel when they're about to lose their virginity.

Jock 'Danny' from Grease 

Danny is identified as the main 'Jock' in Grease. This is shown by the props that are used in the film. For example the outfit that Danny is wearing (tight trousers, baseball jacket, flick comb and a wig), these are somethings that a jock would be see with because it is classed as 'cool'. Sound is used to identify Danny as the jock through music. Grease is a musical and Danny has a big part in the film where he is singing, the songs he sings are songs that would be listened to by cool kids which helps identify him as a jock.

Location also helps the audience identify him as a Jock because throughout the film Danny is located in the playground, local chill out spot and in school. This shows that he is a Jock because these are locations that Jocks are usually found at. 
Lastly camerawork is also used to identify Danny as a Jock because throughout the film Danny has the most camera time, this shows that he is popular, again this identifies him as a jock because jocks are often popular. 

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