Thursday 27 March 2014

Question 4:

Who would be the audience for your media product ?

Here is a twitter profile of a person that would be targeted for my media product:

This person is a specific member of my target audience because he is in his teens and my film is targeted at teens 16-18. This profile also shows that he is apart of my target audience is because of his interests. He is following a London rapper named 'Fekky' this artist raps about guns, drugs and sex and this is some of the genres that are shown in my media product and this is why my film will be targeted at this member. Another reasons why is because of the programme he watched 'BBC EastEnders' this programme is based in London and so it my teen film which is why this member is specifically targeted.
A teen film is a film directed at teenagers and young adults that has a story based on interests of teenagers. Teenagers and young adults are usually the people that the teen film interesting as they feel as though they can relate to the characters and story line. Usually in a teen movie the genres which are common are horror, romance or action.
The audience more specific to my sub genre are teenagers that are interested in horror and action. The reason for this is because my film consist some aspects of action in the opening scene and throughout the film there is a lot of horror. Two other specific target audiences that my film may interest are teenagers that live in London and are middle class. The reason why i say people that live in London is because the film was filmed in London so the teenagers can relate because some things that may be happening in the film may be happening to them or they may have experienced it. The reason why i said middle class teenagers is because a lot of middle classed people live in London, so again this could relate to them. 
For my USP i have made a twitter page for my film and i have made a banner that can be used on buses. This unique selling point is good for my specific target audience because twitter is now a very popular social networking site that a lot of teenagers use. Secondly i have made a banner for buses for my unique selling point because teenagers take the bus a lot so it can be seen.

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