Monday 3 March 2014

Evaluation of Filming - Lesson 4.

This lesson we had all of our cast in and we had to reshoot some of our shots as we didn't have as many different shots as we thought we did, so we went back to Culpeper park and redid some of the shots including the cast member that wasn't in when we had previously filmed. 
We shot a lot of different clips so that we had enough footage so we won't have to go back to film while we edit.
Whilst filming the last scene it had started to rain which meant that the scene which we had shot the other day had to be reshot as the weather was different and it wouldn't make sense to have it sunny in one shot and have it raining a few seconds later. We hadn't taken a media umbrella with us so the umbrella which I did have was quite small and more care had to be taken to try and not get the equipment wet. 
We used a fig rig today to try and make the handheld shots more steady. However running with a fig rig is harder than running with it handheld. 
The outcome of the filming done to was a positive one as we have finally finished filming all of our scenes and made sure to film each scene more than once incase we want to use different angles or aren't all happy with a certain footage clip.

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