Monday 10 March 2014

Evalutation of editing - Lesson 6.

In today's lesson we carried on editing. In the editing we adding the credits for the opening and we also added sound. We decided to use instrumentals for the music because we thought it had more of an impact. We chose a song from youtube then converted it into a mp3 file using an online converter.  The song we chose was a instrumental it's rough, loud and has a lot of bass. However it starts off soft, the reason why we chose this song is because it builds up tension for the opening and it makes the audience engage in the film as soon as it starts, which makes them want to watch more.
Once we finished adding the sound and credits we then asked Fergus to give us feedback on what we had finished. From watching it he told us that we could make the credits longer and add some sound effects as well as music. After receiving the feedback we then made changes.
The first change we did was the credits, we made them longer so they crossed over more than one clip. The second change we did was adding sound effect, we adding a sound effect of a gate closing which matches with the clip and we also did a voice over of one of the gang members screaming. The reason why we chose to add the voice over is because we thought it had more of an impact compared the diegetic sound.
 We carried on editing throughout lunch to make sure everything was perfect and we are now finished our teen film. 

Below is evidence of us editing and the gang member (Oliver) recording the voice over :

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