Monday 10 February 2014

Evaluation of filming 1.

On the first day of filming we filmed the first scene of the opening scene, which was the girl walking out of the train station and then walking to the bus stop. Once she gets to the bus stop the gang then sees her and one of the gang members starts to follow her while the rest of the gang follow after.
For the first day of filming we got a lot of footage done which includes a range of different angles and shots. Some problems that occurred while filming included the area being too crowded (the reason for this is because it was still rush hour as we started filming at 9:30), because of this we had to take extra care with the equipment by making sure we kept our eyes on them at all times and made sure that nothing got knocked over. Another problem that we has the weather, it started raining lightly, this slowed us down because we didn't know if we should've carried on filing or wait for the rain to stop. But in the end we decided to carry on filming because we needed to use up all the filming time we could get - we used an umbrella to shelter the equipment while we were using it (camera and tripod).
When we went onto filming the scene at the bus stop it was too noisy so we has to refilm it a few times because we had some dialogue. However in the end it still didn't sound clear enough and we decided we would just use a voice over.
As well as filming footage for the film we also took photos of each other while we were contributing (as shown above)

Next lesson: we will film the travelling scene on the bus and some more of the chase scene

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