Thursday 27 February 2014

Evidence of filming 3

On the 3rd day of filming we filmed are last scene in the park. We took shots of the girl running, the gang running after her and everyone in the park. The shot types vary as we have long, short and 2 person shots.
Below are images of us filming. These pictures have been taken using the normal camera.

Todays lesson

In todays lesson we have been editing our clips and making the ident for the film.
Mid way through editing are teacher came and watched what we had so far and gave us feedback on how we could improve the editing and other shots that we needed.

Some of the verbal feedback that we received:

  • Film different shot types as we are lacking a few shots.
  • Delete previous shots from the intro because they're not needed. 
  • Add some sound to the intro.

As well as the editing we have also started making the ident for the film in motion.
We have used a template from the software as we don't have time to figure out how to use it completely and make our own. 
Below are screenshots of us editing and the ident being made. 

Evaluation of filming 3.

In this lesson we filmed everyone running into the park at different times. At this part of the opening this is when the witch get involved.To the audience notice this we filmed footage of one of the gang members walking in at the top of the tree, this is the witch looking down at him. As well as the witches point of view we also filmed different point of view from different characters so that the characters can feel more involved in the scene and so that they can get a better view of what is going on. A problem that we has while filming was the surface of the park was slippery because it was raining, to avoid any accidents we took care while we were walking and we made sure that when we were filming, the surface we were on wasn't too slippery so we couldn't slip if has the equipment in are hands. Also because we didn't have a lot of time we didn't get as much footage done as we intended, however we have enough time to get some final footages filmed next lesson.

Evaluation of todays lesson

In todays lesson we received feedback from Marisa and we started planning what we needed to do next and what footage we needed to re-do and add. The feedback that we received was very helpful because we didn't realise the things that Marisa said were irrelevant footage wasn't needed so we took them out and added different footage. Another reason why it was helpful is because we got to improve the opening scene and we could really see the difference once we changed things around the the opening then looked better. While the rest of my group was planning the next step and editing i started to make the ident for the opening. To do this i used motion, after i figured out how to use it i used a template and edited the text by adding information that was relevant to the teen film. Once the opening scene is finished being edited that is when we decided we will add it in.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Evidence of filming 2

During our second lesson of filming, we travelled on the bus to finish filming our chase scene. We used a variety of  camera shots, different takes and angles to complete our chase scene.

Evaluation of filming 2

In the second day of filming we filmed the traveling scene with the gang traveling on the bus and also some more of the chasing scene because we thought we needed some more because we weren't satisfied with all the shots that we took in the previous filming session. In this lesson we were able to film a lot of shots of the bus scene as well as the chase. In the bus scene we filmed the gang having a conversation and walking off the bus then in the chase scene we has the boy running after the girl and the gang running after them both. We filmed a lot of close ups, two shots and extreme close ups in this filming session because we figured out that we didn't have much from the first lesson. Also we didn't think we had any shots that really introduced the characters to the audience. Even though it was a sunny day we were having problems because there was too much light which made it hard for us to see what we were filming in the camera. Apart from that we has another successful day and we finish filming the 'chase scene'.

Next lesson: we will the chase scene in the park and the scene in the park

Monday 10 February 2014

Evidence of filming 1

During this lesson we have filmed the first scene of our teen film. The lesson has been very productive as we have plenty of footage and worked efficiently as a team. The images below are evidence of the team taking turns to film. These shots were taken at Angel station and the bus stop close by. In the upcoming lesson we will go back to filming shots at the other location 'Cool pepper community garden'.

Evaluation of filming 1.

On the first day of filming we filmed the first scene of the opening scene, which was the girl walking out of the train station and then walking to the bus stop. Once she gets to the bus stop the gang then sees her and one of the gang members starts to follow her while the rest of the gang follow after.
For the first day of filming we got a lot of footage done which includes a range of different angles and shots. Some problems that occurred while filming included the area being too crowded (the reason for this is because it was still rush hour as we started filming at 9:30), because of this we had to take extra care with the equipment by making sure we kept our eyes on them at all times and made sure that nothing got knocked over. Another problem that we has the weather, it started raining lightly, this slowed us down because we didn't know if we should've carried on filing or wait for the rain to stop. But in the end we decided to carry on filming because we needed to use up all the filming time we could get - we used an umbrella to shelter the equipment while we were using it (camera and tripod).
When we went onto filming the scene at the bus stop it was too noisy so we has to refilm it a few times because we had some dialogue. However in the end it still didn't sound clear enough and we decided we would just use a voice over.
As well as filming footage for the film we also took photos of each other while we were contributing (as shown above)

Next lesson: we will film the travelling scene on the bus and some more of the chase scene

Thursday 6 February 2014


What we plan to do next

After receiving feedback we decided to change the set dates - we achieved this by sitting down as a group and figuring out which days we would film and edit and when we will decided to finish the final opening scene. Also we decided that we will not film during the half term and so we will not add any set dates in the half term. However when we come back from half term we will get straight back to filming.
Secondly we changed the pictures for the pictures that we chose and replaced them with images of the exact location.
Thirdly we decided that we will finish the animatic and upload it onto youtube then import it on the blog.
Lastly we changed the word 'forest' to park because we mentioned that we would be filming in a forest because that is the atmosphere and scene we wanted but we then decided that it would be easier for us to use a park because it was easier to find. Secondly we chose to use a park instead of a forest is because there is more lighting in a park unlike in a forest because there are a lot of trees the cover sunlight. Lastly the park is also safer than the forest because there are less things for us to trip over for example tree trunks, rocks and branches and this could be harmful to us and the equipment and so we are avoiding this.


After we presented our pitch we got a few suggestions and feedback from the class.
Some of the feedback that we received:
- Have set dates for filming
- Change pictures of location on prezi
- Upload animatic
- Change 'forest' to park'

Monday 3 February 2014

Openings that inspired us

One thing that inspired us was the trailer for the blair witch project video from youtube. The Blair witch project trailer inspired are storyline for the opening because we like the idea of the thriller genre and also the storyline in the actual film is based on a group of film students who disappeared, we can relate to this because we are media students so it relates to us in a way. However we didn't want the film to be entirely based on horror/film and so we found some inspiration from attack the block. 

The attack of the block film trailer includes a gang of teenagers located in London that tries to fight away aliens. We were inspired by this film trailer because we are also from London and so we can relate, another reason why is because of the gang in the film. A lot of the time us teenagers are stereotyped because of the clothing we wear and we would like to portray this stereotype through mise en scene which was used in attack the block (the gang members wear hoodies and dark clothing). In attack of the block there is also a 'robbing scene', people getting robbed is just one of the horrible things that happen in society and we also want to show this in are film because we think its important for people to see what is happening in society today and so we will include a scene of someone getting robbed or attempting to get robbed.

We were also inspired by a gif from attack the block. The reason why we were inspired is because of the movement in the gif. From this gif we decided that we will have a chase scene in the opening scene because not only does it build up tension but having it in the opening scene would excite the audience and have them thinking about what happens next. 

Openings of the movies that inspired us.

This is the opening of the movie The Blair Witch project which inspired us on our storyline of the opening.

This is the opening of the movie Attack The Block which inspired us on how to open the movie.

This gif of the creatures chasing the character gave us an idea for having a chase in the opening of the movie. 

The gif above gave us inspiration on the idea of having one of the characters talking to the camera and having the hand held effect in our movie opening. We have tried to remake this shot in our own opening. 

CAST for own teen film opening.

Noorjahan - The female character which the opening shot is on.

Josh, Oliver and Kadija - The gang members that are seen to be chasing the female character.