Friday 13 December 2013

Analysis of 3 Teen movies


I have chosen a teen film called SuperBad, the genre of the film is Action and Comedy. Personally I feel that this film is targeted more towards males, due to the references to sex and there seems to be no main female characters in the film making it male dominated. The stars fan base is generally male, meaning less females are less likely to watch this film in the cinema. The storyline involves a group of boys who's aim is to have sex with a woman before the end of the year.


The genres of Twilight are Action, Romance and Fantasy. A large proportion of the audience watching Twilight are teenage girls aged between 13-21, this is due to the genre of romance and fantasy. Also many males might be put off watching the film over the female teens fanatic obsession with the main male actor. The plot of the film is essentially about a couple who fall in love, however her boyfriend is a vampire and risks his life to save her from his family.   

Project X

My last teen film is called Project X, the genres of this film are comedy and Crime. I believe this film is targeted towards all teens, because it is based upon a lifestyle and actions teens would be familiar with and would find amazing. It is a comedy film so it can be enjoyed just as much by either gender. The whole film is about three teens who want to put together a legendary party which will be remembered years to come. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Different Audiences 

Cabin in the woods is a horror film that appeals to teens through being scary and violent, the idea of being in danger or feeling a threat can appeal to any gender. because this film is about teenagers doing things that teenagers do it therefore has a higher interest rate in audience that understand the characters more. The well known actor Chris Hemsworth is in the movie creating a broader target audience to people that know him and also adding an international appeal.

Mean girls is a classic teen romcom, mainly targeted at girls from the romantic side but the comedy side adds an appeal to males as well. The story being about high school for teens in general adds some appeal to teens going to school, are just about to or have finished and find it amusing to see what its like now. Lindsey Lohan being really popular in the states adds a star appeal 

Analysis of 3 teen movies with different audiences.

The genre of this teen film is a documentary on the life of one direction. This movie appeals mainly to girls as their fan base is mainly girls, but it also appeals to the male fanboys that one direction have. The star appeals of this movie are Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. The storyline of this movie is an insight on the lives of the biggest boy band. The situations that appeal to the audience is that they are followed around on their daily lives so it allows people to see what one direction are truly like off stage and in their daily lives.

The genres of this movie are adventure, drama, fantasy and romance. This movie appeals to both males and females but has more of a larger audience of females. The 3 main actors - Kirsten Stewart, Robbert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner appeal to the audience. The males appeal to the female audience as they are quite attractive and Kirsten Stewart appeals to the male audience. The story lines which consists of vampires and werwolves also attracts a different audience of supernatural lovers and fantasy lovers. The fight in this certain movie appealed to a lot of people so many people went to watch the movie.

The genre of this movie is comedy which appeals to a large audience as many people like watching comedy movies. This movie appeals to both males and females as it is a comedy. There isn't a big appeal because of the stars as there is mainly just 2 guys in this movie that are dressed as women. This movie also has a story line to do with crime so it may attract a audience that like crime movies. The situation which appeals most to a audience is of the main characters dressing as women and trying to get through the case without getting their cover blown.

genre and conventions

What is a teen film?

Teen films is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of agefirst love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy and stereotyped. 

Teen films tend to incorporate Drama, Action, Comedy, Horror, Romance and Thriller such as the Twilight Saga. Essentially the teen genre is a hybrid of multiple genres.

Kick Ass is an example of a popular Action teen film:

Easy A is a type of teen film and is based on Comedy:

Teen movies - different audiences

Researching target audiences
All films have a specific target audience which the film is aimed at.

Audience: Gender (male)

This film is about two high school students living the ordinary school life. Like any other male they are trying to lose their virginity before they reach college, however for that to happen they need to attend a party with alcohol. With the help of a friend they manage to create a fake I.D and that's where the adventure begins. 
I think this film appeals to males because the storyline of the film is a storyline that most teenage males can relate to. Secondly the film consist of drugs, sex and alcohol and this is something that males crave, therefore they would see this film as exciting and appealing. 
Thirdly the settings that the scenes are set in are locations that you would find males for example their friends house, school and party.

Audience: Gender (female)
Easy A 

This movie is about a girl who relies on school's rumours to increase her social and finical status.
This movie appeals to females because a lot of females have to deal with rumours at school. Another reason why is because the star of the film is a female meaning males are less likely to watch this film. 
Lastly one of the genres used in this film is romance which is a genre which is mostly aimed at females and therefore females would enjoy watching this film. 

Audience: Gender (female&male)
The breakfast club

In this film there are a group of teenagers meet in detention, they are from different social groups and within the time they spend together they share secrets and figure out that have a lot in common. This movie would appeal to both male and females because the its based on a teenage lifestyle. Also because a lot of the actors played in the film were popular stars therefore teenagers would have been interested in watching the film to see the stars.

Monday 9 December 2013

Genre and convention

A teen film is a film about teenagers, the films are often based around stereotypes that are given to teenagers. These films are watched by teenagers aged 13-19, however the age rating differs depending on the theme and topics involved in the film. 
The most common sub genres in teen films are sex, romance, drugs and violence. 

An example of a teen film which involves sex:

An example of a teen film which involves romance:

An example of a teen film which involves drugs:

An example of a teen film which involves violence:

Typical locations used in Teen films:
  • Locations within homes - Bed room, living room, garden and attic.
  • Locations within school/college - Playground, canteen and classroom.
  • Sports locations - Changing room and the gym.
  • 'Hang out' locations - Park, food shop, 'on a wall', 'in a block'.
  • Other locations - Car park, party and shopping centre.  

Genre and Convention

A teen film is a film directed at teenagers and young adults that has a story line based on interests of teenagers such as first loves, rebellion etc. Teenagers and young adults are usually the people that watch teen films as they are the ones that find them the most interesting as they feel as though they can relate to the characters and story lines. Usually in a teen movie the genres which are common are romance, comedy, action and horror.

The conventional themes in these movies are usually love, death, gang-violence, friends and sometimes sports.

These movies are all set in similar locations such as - The main characters bedroom, living room, backyard with a pool, classrooms, canteens, school sports fields, shopping centres, streets/neighbourhood, park.

In many teen movies there are a lot of stereotypical characters which can be found which usually consist of a jock, a cheerleader(which is usually the bitchy character that is going out with the jock) and a nerd(which is usually the main character). There is also the cheerleaders followers and a group of people that befriend the nerd.

Teen film - Interviews

What happens at the start of a film?

Production icon
Distribution icon
Distribution in title sequence
Production in title sequence
Film title
Actor 1
Actor 2
Actor 3
Actor 4
Actor 5 etc..
Music by
Music supervisor
Edited by
Production designer
Director of photography
Executive producer
Written by

Interview Review

The interviews which included people age 13-20, had a lot of knowledge about the latest teen films. They told us their favourite teen films were in fact Catching Fire and Twilight, both these films are very current. However the older audience aged 30-40 named older films which they would of watched when they were teenagers. 

When asking teenagers what their favourite teen movies, some named the same movies, where as when we asked the older audience they named different movies. 

The teenagers answered most of the questions very quickly, while the people aged 30-40 took a while to think, which may suggest that there was more of a wider range of teen movies back then. 

When asked what the teens found appealing about the movies, they replied with the answer that many of them could relate to the characters in the movie and that they found the movies funny. When we asked the older audience they replied that it took them back to their childhood and things to do with nostalgia. 

Comedy was the most popular teen film genre with both the teen audience and the older audience.